Following the amazing public response from their Andean Bass debut album, Bacondo, is unveiling the stems for their track UMAYUWAKA.
If you do not know Bacondo, the guys just dropped few weeks ago their debut EP, and right away they got some radio play in their native Chile, and more coverage in Peru as well.
Well.. the track we are doing the remix is perhaps one of those that may be skipped in the whole EP, but I personally found very rich in terms of the approach and Andean Sampling.
I am a big fan of Loki’s vocals, so I believe that second, third and many more eyes and minds will give this song a whole new meaning, as well as boosting Andean Bass.
Any Style, Any BPM is welcome.
5 Winners will be dropped in a Latino resiste/Mal dicen EP, and supported in the usual suspects blogs..
Deadline May 31st.
Submit your remix here, just send the message and link, and we will take a look at it!!