We are living in a new musical and cultural age, a constant mashup of the western and tropical world. No folklore kitsch, no fake-authentic traditional music with funny hats on. Global Bass with influences crossing continents on a daily basis. Contemporary and real-time.
This magazine talks about interesting genres and streams..
promo ät tropicalbass.com
Please understand that currently we get over 100 mails per week and might not be able to answer them all. Thanks for support though!
Hello folks! Thank you for a great website. You are making my life much richer :-). Want to enrich yours now with Swedens Finest: Timbuktu. He’s done alot of kinds of music in his career, but i think everything is based in a carib vibe. Here is his new video; moom-bass-trap-ish influenced:
Have a blast!
For you that does’nt speak swedish i’ll give you that the title “Spring” is swedish for the english word: “Run”.
Cant look at the page as i used to. What happened? (Had problem for some time now, but said nothing until now.)