This video might irritate you – yes, it’s full of LOLcats…
Matt Shadetek choose a quite interesting way to promote “Funny Cats”, a tune from his solo instrumental album “Flowers”, released in June. He stated on the Dutty Artz blog that he simply likes those funny little furballs – and on top of that, wants to do a little experiment in viral PR. As LOLcats are getting those huge amounts of clicks the result could be that Matt Shadetek will gain more Twitter followers than Kanye and Lady Gaga together within the next months. We will keep you updated…
Buy “Flowers” on Boomkat, iTunes or Juno, the selection of uptempo, dancefloor-ready productions exploring the intersections of UK Garage, Bassline and Funky with a touch of Tropical it’s definitely worth it.
New post: Matt Shadetek – Funny Cats http://www.tropicalbass.com/2010/09/matt…
Thanks for carrying the video, blog is looking great! We’ll see if I start doing Gaga numbers, although I’m not holding my breath :)
matt, let us know if LOLcat-videos are the future of independent music business :D