Here we have another Tropical Bass Exclusive one week before its offical release on the new lable SMR via Bandcamp. Solo Moderna is Bas Voom from Tilburg, Holland. His Global Highness pitches up on new Helium Dance! With “Sonido Pouble EP” still in mind this is an ode to all the real high voices, the little unknown creatures, the little giggles, the eek-a-mouses, the cartoon characters witch made us all laugh a little or stumach acing. Humor glues us people together, by all means necessary a big gift! We don’t take it all to serious or do we?
[audio:http://www.radikalsunflowers.de/TropicalBass/Solo_Moderna_Helium_Dance.mp3 |titles= Helium Dance Promomix |artists=Solo Moderna]
AD – On your new Release “Helium Dance EP” I hear Digital Reggae, 8bit technology, Soca, Balkan, Cumbia, Swing and many more different styles. I hear Melodies between Mozart and Tom Waits. You love to Mash Up the styles. How would you describe your music, where are your roots ?
SM – Digital Balkan, Casiocumbia? There are much styles in it, yeah I know hehe.. a Dutch dj she revered my music once to an old cartoonmovie, The Snorks, my music would sound like the creatures in it are having sex.. Well who am I to say it’s not hehe … Well everybody has it’s own imagination with music and that’s the beauty of it.. With no limit in styles I have possibities all the way. My feeling about my music is that I’m definitely not a purist! I feel confident with cumbia song tradition but at the same time I like the abstract side of 8 bit music of first synthesizer pioniers, it sounds funny and warm at the same time and I wanted to use that on my EP. I can say that I’m inspired by the sweetness of early Reggae, Mento music and a reel fan of Rocksteady. A revolting message packed into a sweet melodie…I like short strong melodies that remain inside you and can’t go out but at the same time I like complicated sequenced stuff, well I’m not that consistent, it’s all a little fight inside for me to judge what’s ok and what’s not in production process who wins this time… And I used to work in a club here some time ago and got introduced to all kind of music and had the change to listen for hours to it, it’s problaby rammed in me, I can’t help it haha And I like to disarm listeners with something witch bonds us, humor …it glues us together…haha
AD – So youve done remixes for Empresarios, El Dusty, Dunkelbunt, Buscemi and many more. For wich Artist would you love to do a Remix.
SM – Well that would be artist like, Riva Starr, Omfo, Neki Stranac, Balkan Beatbox, Dj Superstereo, Dreadsquad, Blend Mishkin but I keep dreaming hehe ooh I should mention one hehe
AD- What are you plans after the release. You’ll play some shows ??
SM – I’m now busy with a remixversion of Helium Dance EP and some great remixers are involved already hope you will catch it at Tropical Bass too at that time. I’ve started my own label SMR and probably have the opportunity to do a second release next month already I hope. A Swingproject and some remixes in the the pipe! You can catch me djing in between check my blog for more info.
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