Mexican mega collab!! -EL CHAPO GUZMAN

Yelram Selectah few days ago released EL CHAPO GUZMAN!!

who was the biggest Narco in Mexican recent history..

This release brings not only a mexican sound, but also a view on the mexican current situation!!
This style is known as tijuana!

El Chapo Guzmán by yelram selectah

3ball’s newest great addition Mr Kanti W drops his fresh style
El Chapo Guzman (Mr Kanti W Remix) by yelram selectah

Den5hion brings his usual style
El Chapo Guzman (den5hion remix) by yelram selectah

Pal kongal makes it in a cumbia style!!
El Chapo Guzman (Kongal refiix) by yelram selectah