The Italian duo PepeSoup has their second ep in the pipeline called Pump Tire. With this nice afro-deephouse track Miss Annie remembers having to jump up and down like a kangaroo to “pump tyre”:
“Have you ever pumped tyre? Oh, man, those were the days! Messing up is part of growing up, as is accepting the punishment that follows when you’re caught. If you grew up anywhere in Africa you’ll remember that each type of punishment had its own evocative name, such as ‘The Motorbike’, in which you stood with your knees half bent and your arms held out in front of you as though riding an invisible motorbike. You had to hold that position until your mum or dad felt you’d learned your lesson.
The single comes in three version: video-edit, extended and dub. The single is not available yet, but since then check out the nice video written and directed by Edoardo Carlo Bolli.
There are more interesting releases on their label Soupumusic! Make sure you head over to their site, soundcloud or youtube channel.