What do you know about the Dooze Jackers Crew..?
It might not easy to describe these guys, but let’s say it in their own words:
Put the banger style of the famous Techjio mixed with the funky style of DPV and you will have Dooze Jackers.
As well as they do party, Dooze Jackers, produce every kind of bangers music, they just know how to make it really good in their production.
Check that two banging Tapes:
The first one is more “our”-style.. It have much Tropical influences etc.
Dooze Jackers Lost in the Jungle Mix by Dooze Jackers
The second is an electronical mashup you better don’t miss!
Dooze Jackers Run For Cover minimix by Dooze Jackers
Bigup to the Dooze Jackers Crew! And don’t forget to put these guys on your “people to watch”-list!