Cake Eater is simply one of these acts that you start liking at first, but the more you hear the more you start getting intriged by the complexity of their compositions which fortunately for many of us are “dj friendly”.
Continue ReadingFuzzy Fotch – En Mi Mente
En Mi Mente bridges Fuzzy Fotch’s musical roots of Reggae and Dub with a modern twist. Get also a free Exclusive remix
Continue ReadingBAAN – Bitch, I’m Batman
Great release for the people who like the juke,trap/footwork sounds of Juke Ellington, earjerker, riot earp all of em remixing BAAN!
Continue ReadingMorenita Linda – Lolo Samo Feat. Letter D
We wanted to wait few days before posting this thing.. but the tune is THAT hot that it is a MUST SHARE!
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